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Style Guide Buchanan Law

Color Swatches

HEX: #03409D

Dominant shade. Used in titles, elements, text, and buttons

HEX: #001029

Darkest shade. Used in titles, elements, text, and buttons

HEX: #4b8cd6

Contrast shade. Used in titles, elements, text, and buttons


Light Contrast shade. Used in titles, elements, text, and buttons

HEX: #070A14

Darkest Green. Used as an accent color.

HEX: #4EA502

Main green shade. Used in titles, text and buttons

HEX: #D6BD95

Contrast shade. Used in backgrounds, button text, and elements.


Lightest shade. Used in backgrounds, button text, and elements.


Interstate Condensed & Interstate (Adobe Font)

H1 Headings

Interstate Condensed 60px 700 Weight

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

H2 Headings

Interstate Condensed 50px 700 Weight

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

H3 Headings

Interstate 42px 400 Weight

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

H4 Headings

Interstate 30px 400 Weight

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Body Text - Interstate - 16px 400 weight Line height 1.5em

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis pulvinar convallis turpis blandit euismod. Fusce tempor fermentum mauris, eget cursus est sagittis at.

Nunc eu justo vitae dui viverra ullamcorper eget at nisi. Nulla luctus tincidunt felis, quis ornare ipsum. Phasellus lobortis eleifend ligula quis tempus. Fusce at commodo nisi.

Inline Link - Hover

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Inline Link - Normal

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Interstate Condensed & Interstate (Adobe Font)

Light Background
Dark Background

Padding & Dimensions

Page Dimensions 

Max page width: 1290px
Menu Height : 100px
Padding Interval: 5%

Page Structure

Body Section: 70%
Sidebar Section: 30%

Logos & Files

Light Background
Dark Background