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How Technology Is Improving Truck Safety

Contact the Albuquerque Truck Crash Lawyers at Buchanan Law Firm, LLC for Assistance

How Technology Is Improving Truck Safety

Although truck drivers are becoming more dangerous, the technology they use is becoming more advanced to help balance out some of the hazards caused by trucking companies. If these trucking companies choose to invest in such technologies, it may reduce the rate of serious truck crashes on the roadway. In the meantime, truck crashes are still an ever-present danger, as inexperienced drivers working for trucking companies that cut corners are often found on the roadway.

Here are some technologies that could make life safer for truck drivers and others on the road.

Collision Warning and Avoidance Technology

Driver alert systems are becoming more prominent in many types of motor vehicles today, and tractor-trailers are no different. Alerts can be triggered if the driver is getting too close to another car on the road. They may also receive a warning if a forward crash is imminent. These systems rely on sensors that detect the truck’s location relative to other vehicles.

Some of these alert systems may even have collision avoidance or mitigation technology. Some trucks may have automatic braking systems that apply the brakes if a crash appears to be inevitable. Trucks may also have lane-keeping technology to ensure the tractor-trailer remains in its lane and does not drift.

Trucks may also have adapted cruise control that prevents them from getting too close to a car in front of them. These systems are intended to reduce the risk of a rear-end crash.

Automated Cameras

Trucks have more blind spots than the average passenger vehicle. There are large blind spots in front of and to the sides of tractor-trailers. In addition, a truck driver would not be able to see behind the vehicle due to the large amount of space. Trucks are now equipped with cameras in multiple locations that assist the driver in being able to see. These cameras help truck drivers when they are changing lanes or making a turn. Truck drivers may have a single LCD screen in front of them, allowing them to see from various angles.

Driver Monitoring Technology

Truck drivers may engage in dangerous behavior behind the wheel because they think no one is watching them. Nowadays, some trucks are equipped with cameras in the cabin that monitor the truck driver and their actions. If safety is a priority to the trucking company, they may even take disciplinary action when cameras reveal that a driver has done something illegal.

Fatigued Driver Monitoring

Some trucks are equipped with advanced technology to monitor the driver for signs of fatigue and drowsiness. Even if the truck driver follows the hours-of-service limitations, they may still be drowsy because they drive at night. These systems can even look at the driver’s pupils for signs of fatigue and provide them with an alert that it is time for them to rest.

Even if a truck driver uses advanced safety technology, it does not eliminate the risk of a truck crash. If you have been hurt in a truck crash, the trucking company may owe you substantial financial compensation. When you hire a truck crash lawyer, they will investigate the cause of the crash and work to put you in a better position to receive a settlement check for your injuries.

Contact the Albuquerque Truck Crash Lawyers at Buchanan Law Firm, LLC for Assistance

Call us today to schedule a free consultation with my team. We fight for our clients throughout New Mexico from our Albuquerque office.

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If you or a loved one has been injured in a commercial vehicle crash, the Albuquerque truck accident lawyers at Buchanan Law Firm, LLC can take on the insurance and trucking companies on your behalf. You can take the first step towards potential financial compensation by calling us today at 505-900-3559 or using our online form to schedule a free initial consultation. Our office is located in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and we serve clients in Santa Fe and the surrounding areas.

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