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Why Are Truck Crashes More Likely to Occur at Night?

Why Are Truck Crashes More Likely to Occur at Night?
Truck drivers have a difficult enough job in broad daylight, as the size of the vehicle and relative handling difficulty present an already high degree of risk. For many reasons, nighttime driving increases the source of a truck crash several times over.
Our truck crash attorneys here at Buchanan Law Firm, LLC, have served numerous clients who experienced nighttime truck crashes. The more you know about these situations, the safer you will be—so here is what you need to know.
How Does Fatigue Impact Truck Driving at Night?
Truck drivers often drive long hours, and even though federal regulations mandate regular rest periods and capped driving shifts, not all drivers obey these regulations. And even those who do can succumb to exhaustion and fatigue, which can slow a driver’s reaction time and impair their judgment.
This effect impacts nighttime drivers even more, especially those who have not acclimated ahead of time to late-night shifts. Our natural circadian rhythm prompts us to sleep at night, and when this kicks in, drivers sometimes have to fight both accumulated exhaustion and our body’s instinct to rest.
Additionally, as roads at night usually have less traffic and much less noise, the lack of visual and audio stimulation can lead to microsleeps or drifting attention spans. All these factors can contribute to collisions or crashes with other unsuspecting trucks or passenger vehicles.
What Role Does Limited Visibility Play in Nighttime Truck Crashes?
The relative lack of visibility at night also contributes to the risk of collisions, especially on long stretches of road without streetlights. Even with bright headlights, drivers will naturally have more difficulty spotting obstacles, wild animals, other vehicles, or even pedestrians, affecting their ability to react properly.
Additionally, the size and weight of industrial trucks affect a driver’s ability to avoid crashes: even if a truck driver spots a hazard in the headlights, the extended stopping distance of loaded vehicles can still cause collisions.
This lack of visibility gets even worse in inclement weather; rain, fog, and other poor weather conditions can obscure a trucker’s vision, even in direct sunlight. At night, the weather and low-light conditions can build on one another to prevent truck drivers from seeing road signs, obstacles, vehicles, or turns.
How Does Alcohol Use Affect Truck Crashes at Night?
Both federal and state regulations prohibit truck drivers from consuming alcohol while driving. As with regulations limiting driving hours, some truckers break these laws. However, even a small amount of alcohol can impair a driver’s reaction speed and decision-making; combined with limited visibility and increased stopping distance, driving under the influence can have catastrophic consequences.
Find Security in Post-Crash Scenarios with the Albuquerque Truck Crash Lawyers at Buchanan Law Firm, LLC
If you were in a nighttime truck collision and need help, get in touch with our Albuquerque truck crash lawyers at Buchanan Law Firm, LLC by calling 505-900-3559 or filling out our online contact form for a free consultation. We have the experience necessary to build your strongest possible case. Our Albuquerque, New Mexico office serves clients in Santa Fe and the surrounding areas.

We Prepare Each Case for Trial
We prep every case as if it will be going to trial. There is no better way to make sure you get the compensation that you deserve than to be ready to fight for you and exhaust all legal remedies. Some firms shy away from trial, we embrace it.

This is a Team Effort
We recognize that every legal matter is different. We’ll listen carefully to learn the details of your situation, as well as your goals. We’ll keep you involved and informed at all times, making certain you know where you stand, what your options are, and your likelihood of success.

We Will Be Straight With You
Whether it is about the value of your case, or how good or bad the evidence is, we will tell it to you straight. We want to help you make the best decisions about your case by giving you the information you need.
We have recovered tens of millions of dollars for our clients.
Hospital negligence resulted in catastrophic injury. This was a case involving a patient who entered the hospital for routine observation but left the hospital with catastrophic and permanent injuries due to neglect and improper treatment. This case involved extensive expert testimony on all aspects of the client’s care, both by hospital administration, hospital employees, and contractors who were involved in her treatment.
Semi-truck negligence caused wrongful death. This case involved a semi-truck driver who was intoxicated on illegal substances and killed our client. The key to this case was both aggressive discovery work, and understanding the trucking laws that regulate truck drivers and motor carriers, so we could prove how reckless it was to put the driver on the road that day.
Semi-truck negligence caused catastrophic injury. This case involved a semi-truck driver who lost control of his vehicle in a high-traffic area, causing devastating injuries to our client. We were able to reconstruct every step of the events leading up to the crash that day to piece together why this happened, using sophisticated experts in reconstruction engineering.
Semi-truck and corporate negligence caused traumatic brain injury. Our client suffered a traumatic brain injury as a result of the defendant’s negligence in parking a commercial vehicle. The key to this case was understanding trucking regulations and local ordinances at play to show how the situation should have been handled safely.
Semi-truck causing wrongful death. This sad case involved the tragic death of our clients when a semi-driver was high on illegal substances. The key to this case was working closely with law enforcement and our reconstruction expert to identify all of the assets we could recover for these clients so that they could be as fully compensated as possible.